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Hi! My name Is RatFanatic, but you can call me Rat. I've been intreagued by the prospect of making and maintainging a personal website for a while, but always struggled with my own personal mentality and roadblocks about thing's like how hard it'd be, or being insecure about If other people would even like It. I decided to bite the bullet a couple of months ago, as prior to using Neocities I had been having an incredibly fun time maintaining a SpaceHey account [which Is still being maintained], and thought that I had enough basic html and css knowledge to dip my toes into finally making one. My first 2 sites we're either incredibly bare bones with no room to fit any expansions, or just... Kind of ugly, respectivley. I've decided starting with a static site generator as a base would be familliar enought to SpaceHey that It wouldn't be too overwhelming and unfamilliar, while still allowing for expansion and change later. I'm quite proud of how It's looking atm, but obviously It's still fairly barebones, so expect It to evolve overtime!
I LOVE consuming media. I'm a chronically online loser, and I love It! I plan to make quite a few shrines about my many interests In various and random bits of content I find myself utterly facinated with, attempting to emulate a sort of scrapbook/junkjournal kind of vibe with both what's written and the aesthetic of the pages themselves. In general, my website Is intended to look journal-esque, as In all honesty that Is what this website Is kind of planned to be! A place to write whatever I want, to put cool stickers, glitter glue, random trash, and the like- all over this place! You can see my current website plans on my BearBlog, where Is where any actual BLOGGING will be. I hope you enjoy the maximalistically chaotic design of this little digital notebook, as It grows and expands with the more I put into It.
- Reading
- Writing
- Drawing
- Painting
- Sculpting
- Origami
- Anime
- Manga
- Trinkets
- Toy Collecting
- Hardware Modding/Repair
- Technology Collecting
- Blogging
- Poems
- Childrens Media
- Figure Collecting